Player Business

From Life V Wiki

Advanced Guide

Click here for an advanced Guide on Player Businesses including how to run a business!

Quick Starter


  • Trucking >> Trucking License II
  • Piloting >> Trucking License II
  • Train Conductor >> Trucking License II + Freight Train (500'000 Train XP)
  • Port Trading >> Trucking License II + Fishing License + Port Trade License

How to work for a Business?

  1. Updating Info: F5 - Company Information - Update Business Information
  2. Now, press F5 - Company Information - View Public Business Marketplace - "Select a business to work for". Delete the "Enter ID" text and enter the ID of the business you want to work for.
  3. If everything worked, you should be getting a confirmation message above ur minimap. If thats the case, you can simply do the Trucking / Pilot / Train Conductor / Deep Sea Port Trading job as usual.
  • To cancel an order, do F5 - Company Information - View Public Business Marketplace - "Select a business to work for" and enter the ID 0.

Market Pages Information

  • View Public Business Marketplace
    • Businesses must be open/public.
    • Business Owner(s) must do a Freight delivery regularly as not doing a delivery after 5 days will be hidden from the list.
      • Businesses still open
      • Doing 1 delivery (working for a Business (Trucking, Piloting, Train Conduct, etc.) will put you back on the list!
  • Businesses InNeed
    • If Business has under 50,000 stock on the floor it will appear on the list
    • Business Owner(s) must do a Freight delivery regularly as not doing a delivery after 5 days will be hidden from the list.
      • Businesses still open
      • Doing 1 delivery (working for a Business (Trucking, Piloting, Train Conduct, etc.) will put you back on the list!

Good to know Information

Below Business Popularity 10

  • The business you own only accepts cargo from a certain job type;
    • Freight Business >> Freight Trailer
    • Car Dealership >> Car Trailer
    • Fuel Station >> Fuel Tanker
    • Airports >> Planes
  • That means for example; you cannot use the the fuel trailer for a non fuel station business.
  • Besides the Car Carrier and Fuel Tanker, every Trucking Vehicle is transporting freight.

Above Business Polularity 10

  • The business you own accepts deliveries from all kinds of jobs and types.
    • Example: You can work for a fuel station and drive train and it will work.

Loyal Driver Bonuses

  • To gain the bonuses, you need to deliver 500 orders or more for the same business.
    • Bonus Trucking XP and Knowledge XP
    • Up to $20mil pay per load. (set by the business owner)

For Business Owners

  • You can work for your business and a second business at the same time!
    • Just select your business to work for and then also select a second to work for and you're good to go!

F5 Menu Options

Option Description
View Public Business List See all businesses, their ID's and their Stock Market Value
View Public Business Stocks Displays current floor stock for all businesses
View Public Business Marketplace Check which Businesses offer orders to complete
View My Driver Stats Check your Driver Stats for the Businesses you worked for
Purchase Business Lets you purchase a business (check Business Owners Guide)
Set GPS to Business Set a GPS Marker to the business you entered the ID for
Business For Sale Everything Below this are the businesses for sale