Player Departments

From Life V Wiki

When you first join the Police World server, you will automatically be in the NPC LSPD Department. This is the default department and is not run by any player.

You can not get ranked up in the default department. You will need to join a player department for rankups, though it is not guaranteed that you get rankups in every player department. Its best to check with the department leader.

Joining a Department

There are private departments and public departments.

To see the list of public/private departments, go to a PD Station Computer (marked on the map) and press [C] > Department Public/Private List.

Private Department

  • Ask the leader of the department to join it. (They most likely have a Discord of their own. Check #pd-recruitment on the Police World Discord)
  • The process is different from department to department, so ask the leader what you need to do.

Public Department

  • Departments Public List > Update Info > Join Department > ID of the department you want to join.
    • Make sure you press "Leave Department" before joining a department.
  • Pressing "Leave Department" RESETS your DP (Department Points) for the current department!!

Running a Department