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Callouts offer a variety of content, there are several different types of callouts. Completing a callout gives you a small reward. However if you manage to arrest the suspect you will receive much greater rewards. Callouts happen every 2 minutes by default. Anyone can do callouts.


  • Set your Accept Callout and Deny Callout via ESC > Settings > Key Bindings > FiveM > Police:Accept / Deny Callout
    • These allow you to accept or deny the callouts.
  • Get yourself any patrol vehicle from a PD and toggle duty by pressing [L] > Duty Options > Clock in
  • Optional: Restock your patrol vehicle with armor/weapons/medikits.
    • To do this, go to the garage and press [G] > Garage Options > Refill Trunk Supplies

Toggling Callouts

  • Now that you're clocked in, go to [L] > Duty Options > Callout Area > City/County
    • Press [ENTER] on the region you want to receive callouts. Once you pressed enter, your callouts are enabled.
    • To disable callouts, just select "Disable" for the Callout Area

Arrival on Scene

This section fully depends on the callout that you get. There are 2 main categories of callouts.

  • Robberies
    • Bank Robberies
    • Store Robberies
  • Suspicious/Illegal Activity
    • Break In
    • Drunk Person
    • Drug Dealing
    • Home Invasion

The callouts above are City callouts. County has similar ones but in their own style.

Bank Robberies are KOS Callouts, meaning you have to kill all suspects. For all other callouts, you can taze, handcuff, detain and bring them to a jail to arrest them for a bigger payout. More Info below.

Interacting with Suspects

  • Before you can interact with any suspect, you need to taze them with your stun gun. They will put their hands up after you tazed them, which means you can now interact with them.
  • Press [E] to open the ped interaction menu where you find all the interactions.
    • Note: If you have multiple suspects, the menu may not appear for all peds. To fix that, just aim at the ped with your weapon and it should make u able to open the interaction menu.


Action Description Required
Handcuff Suspect Places cuffs on suspect -
Detain Suspects in Vehicle1) Suspect will walk to your vehicle and get inside Suspect needs to be handcuffed
Frisk Suspect Searches the suspect for illegal things Suspect needs to be handcuffed
BAC Test Suspect Tests how much alcohol is in them Suspect needs to be handcuffed
Grab/Ungrab Suspect Grabs suspect so you can move them Suspect needs to be handcuffed
Order Suspect to Leave Vehicle Makes the suspect leave the vehicle they sit in -
Arrest Suspect Arrest them Suspect...

needs to be handcuffed

needs to be at a Handcuff icon on the map (near any PD)

1) If you have 2 suspects, it may tell you that one of the back seats are occupied. If that happens grab your suspect and move them to another spot and try again.


  • The callout is completed once all suspects are either dead or arrested.
  • You will get $$ for your personal wallet aswell as XP.