Player Business

From Life V Wiki
Revision as of 06:22, 6 March 2022 by LeTibo (talk | contribs) (Made a quick starter section and linking the advanced guide)

Page being worked on!

Advanced Guide

Click here for an advanced Guide on Player Businesses inlcuding how to run a business!

Quick Starter - Working for Business

How to do it?

  1. Next, head to the business you want to work for and enter or stand near the business building.
  2. Now, press F5 - Company Information - View Public Business Marketplace press enter on "Select a business to work for". Delete the "Enter ID" text and enter the ID of the business you want to work for.
  3. You're all set! Now you can simply continue doing the trucking/pilot job as usual.

How to cancel an order?

  • If you selected an order and you don't want to continue it, head to Company Information - View Public Business Market Place and then "Select a business to work for" and enter the ID 0.

F5 Menu Options

Option Description
View Public Business List See all businesses, their ID's and their Stock Market Value
View Public Business Marketplace Check which Businesses offer orders to complete
View My Driver Stats Check your Driver Stats for the Businesses you worked for
Purchase Business Lets you purchase a business (check #How to buy a Business)
Set GPS to Business Set a GPS Marker to the business you entered the ID for
Business For Sale Everything Below this are the businesses for sale


  • You can use the "Set Waypoint to Business" option in F5 - Company Information to get a GPS Marker to the Business you chose. Remember to put in the right ID!