
From Life V Wiki

Note: Apartments are still in the early stages so this info will need to be updated and this should help for now.


  • Knowledge 100,000
  • Plus Price of the apartment + Rent Fee(s)

Features of Apartments

  • Apartments allow you to have your own place within LifeV
  • Apartment options can be viewed in the F5 Menu Under Apartments
  • Eviction - If you do not pay your apartment rent in 15 days you will be evicted from your apartment AUTOMATICALLY and the apartment can then be rented by someone new.
Apartment Prices
Apartment Building ID Apartment Class Apartment Rent
Apartment 1 Cheap Affordable $25,000
Apartment 2 Cheap Affordable $25,000
Apartment 3 Cheap Affordable $25,000
Apartment 4 MIddle Class $100,000
Apartment 5 MIddle Class $100,000
Apartment 6 MIddle Class $100,000
Apartment 7 High-End $500,000
Apartment 8 High-End $500,000
Apartment 9 High-End $500,000
Apartment Perks
Apartment Class Sleep Waredrobe Making Coffee Bongs Coming soon?
Cheap Affordable Yes Yes No Yes ?
MIddle Class Yes Yes No Yes ?
High-End Yes Yes Yes Yes ?

F5 Menu

Name Description
Update Apartment Information Updates the Apartment Information
Apartment Listings Allows you to see who owns which apartment
Apartment for Rent Allows you to see what Apartments are available to Rent
Apartment Wardrobe Allows you to access your apartment Waredobe Options
Apartment Actions Allows you to interact with things within the apartment
Rent/Unrent Allows you to pay your rent or unrent your apartment
Enter/Exit Allows you to enter/exit your apartment

Unlock/unlock your apartment