Fuel System

From Life V Wiki

Toggling the system

The fuel system is turned on by default everytime you join the server.

  • You can toggle it in [M] > Player Options > Settings > Toggle fuel system


Every car on this server needs fuel after some time and the vehicle HUD, located in the bottom center, will tell you how much fuel you have left.

  • To refuel, drive next to a gas station pump and get out.
  • Next, look at the pump and press [E]. (it should show you some prompts)
  • Now you should have the hose in your hand, look at your car and press [E] again. (same kinda test appears again)
  • You should now see a % number going up.
  • Once it reached 100% press [E] and put it back on the pump and then you're done!
  • The cost of refueling is covered by the department that you are currently in.

Ran out?

You can push your car to the nearest fuel station.

(steps coming soon)