
From Life V Wiki


  • Farming License >> PDA - Store - Licenses - Job Licenses ($4'000'000)
  • Farming Vehicle >> PDA - Store - Civilian - Look for tractors ($150'000)
  • 300'000 Knowledge XP
  • Money to buy crops

Getting Started

Go on duty as "Farmer"

  • To join a job press [F5] - City Jobs - Job Information - Farmer
  • Toggle Duty with [F5] - City Jobs - Job Information - Toggle Duty
  • Now you're ready to work!

Spawn your vehicle

  • Buy any of the "Tractors" in the Store > Civilian for $150'000.
  • Head to Grapeseed and spawn your tractor.

Spawn your trailers

You need to spawn both trailers in order to start farming!

  • Head to two blue garage icons (near 096) and grab one trailer (either grain or rake) with [E], then attach it with [E], move it to your field and then spawn the second trailer.
    • Note: The spawns are marked with a green circle when you're near it.
    • The grain trailer spawner is infront of the garage, the rake spawner is arround the corner.

Buy seeds

  • Head to Job Information - Seed/Crop Market - Update Seed Market Information
  • Now select which seeds you want to buy.
    • You unlock more crops with Farming XP.
  • Press [Enter] on "Buyable Seeds <Cabbage>" and enter the amount of seeds you want to buy.
    • You need to buy at least 50! (50 is the amount needed for one full farm cycle)

Farming Stages


  • Attach the rake trailer.
  • Go to Job Information and set the seed that you bought.
  • Now drive around on the field and the "Seed Progress" counter on the Farming HUD should go up.

Optional Fertilizer

Press [Spacebar] to skip this step.

  • Once the Seed Progress is 100%, press [E] to start fertilizing.
  • Drive around on the field and the "Fertilizer Progress" counter on the Farming HUD should go up.
  • Once the Fertilizer Progress is 100%, wait for the crops to grow.
    • This takes a couple of seconds.


  • Switch to the Grain Trailer.
  • Drive around on the field and the "Harvest Progress" counter on the Farming HUD should go up.
  • Once the Harvest Progress is 100%, one farming cycle is finished.

Sell Crops

  • You can stockpile crops or you can sell them right away.
  • Check the amount of crops you have in [F5] - Inventory - Seeds/Crops Bag
    • Update Inventory Information before checking!
  • Now go back to Job Information - Seed/Crop Market and select "Sell Crops <your crop>" and then enter the amount you want to sell.
  • The crop prices change every 10 hours real life time.


  • The Seed Market has a stock for each seed that is being sold.
  • Truckers can restock seeds.

F5 Menu Options

F5 > City Jobs > Job Information
Option Description
Seed/Crop Market Buy seeds and sell crops
Set Seed Set the seed that you want to sow.
Toggle Duty Start the Job
Leave Job Leave the Job