
From Life V Wiki


  • Changes: Police
    • Job added to the "Jobs" menu in the Intractive Menu [M]
    • Enabled so you can run traffic stops
    • Removed callouts and dispatch AI as the changes in the FiveM server builds affect the way in which Ped and AI were originally created in the past
    • Unknown if arrests will work successfully all the time, so in some cases it maybe safer to use Transport
    • Change: Enabled some callouts, some may still have weird issues but they will be ironed out over time
      • Removed: Stolen Vehicle & Insurance callouts
        • Vehicle spawn creation is having issues in these cases
      • Changed: Mugger & Shop Lifter callouts
        • Changed the range of interaction and starting
    • Change: Traffic stops now should be a bit more entertaining
  • Removed: 'Use' button in player inventory removed, this was forgotten about when moving the inventory to the Intractive Menu [M] (Sorry Tobi)
  • Removed: Supporter Companions
    • These have been removed for now due to changes with the FiveM server builds
  • Fix: Debug messages will no longer print in builds
  • Changed: Police Suspect and Suspect Vehicle logic for checking states, these now use a fallback method if the new method doesn't work
  • Changed: Ansestors are finally pleased with you, so now they won't keep off handing you to others.
    • Note: Blending doesn't show your currrent selections when reopened, but will use the options you saved.
    • Note: There is an issue with remapping your ansestors in the menu, this is under review for refactor
  • Added: Store now has an additional page to show stock of items a lot easier
  • Added: Player: Owned Items page, this is under the Player and will show you all the items you own, excluding vehicles.
  • Changed: Player Inventory (PDA Page) will now only show weapons.
  • Changed: Player safety spawning, this should be improved, trying to not spawn in the middle of the road
  • Fixed: Server Time Sync and Weather Randomisation
  • Added: Discord Avatars to the User List and Chat Messages
  • Fixed: New players were being left Invincible after creating a character, this is no longer the case
  • Added: Vehicle images for the Drift Sultan, Drift Cypher, and Drift Previon
  • Removed: Some logging information thats no longer required
  • Changed: Vehicle mods no longer resets the menu, every, fucking, time....
  • Fixed: Issue where item was out of stock that the information was hidden
  • Fixed: Player Passive state is correctly set in the State Manager when connected
  • Changed: Weapons when purchased are equiped
  • Changed: Bot has been updated to respond to a few things that it sees.


  • General Bug Fixes
    • Fixed refuel message spam
    • Fixed delay on keybinds for piloting
    • Removed spreading from all interior fires
  • Piloting
    • Added Refuel / Repair / Gate Usage Fees
  • Game Tips
    • Game tips will now be displayed when doing specific things in-game.
      • Selecting any job
      • On initial connection
      • Opening the F5 Menu
    • Game tips can also be view via F5 > Game Tips (You can't miss it)
  • AI Police Tickets / Fines
    • IF your playing in Realistic Mode and Passive Mode Is off you can receive a speeding ticket / fine
    • Player must be going over 80mph and be in range of an ACTUAL cop in a cop car.
    • Paying fines are OPTIONAL , if the fine is not paid you will become wanted and have a 3 star wanted level.
    • Bribe the cops - This can be found in the Criminal Options part of the F5 Menu.
    • Bribe the cops option will ONLY display IF you have the COPS on you.
  • Weight Stations
    • Req: Must be in Realistic Mode, Must Have a Trailer & Cargo
    • x2 Weight Stations have been added , One on Joshua RD, and another on Route 13
    • Weight stations will prompt you to stop before you reach them NOT stopping will result in a $5,000 Fine.
    • After being prompted to stop at the inspection, you will have a total of 5 minutes to do so.
    • HOW TO: Pull inside the way station, come to a complete stop, you will then be prompted to start the inspection.