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Revision as of 22:07, 4 June 2022 by Fire0x (talk | contribs)


Fishing with a Rod

  • You don't need anything to get started!
  • A boat from the boat category is optional and nice to have.

Deep Sea Fishing

(Coming soon)

Getting Started Fishing with a Rod

Fishing from the shore

  1. Go on duty as "Fisher"
    1. To join the job press F5 - Jobs - Job Information - Fisher
    2. Now you're ready to work!
  2. Head to a job location and start the job
    1. Go onto a Pier or a Beach or near any kind of water.
    2. Press F5 - Jobs - Job Information - Use Fishing Rod
    3. Now a minigame will pop up. Try to keep the white square on top of the fish to catch fish by tapping/holding Left mouse button / Arrowkey UP / SpaceBar!
  3. Selling Fish
    1. To check which Fish are able to be sold, press F5 - Jobs - Job Information - Check Fish Sale Prices
    2. To check how many Fish you have, press F5 - Jobs - Job Inventory - Fishing Bag
    3. And last, to sell, press Sell Fish in Job Information.

Fishing with a rod from a boat

  • You can also fish from your friend's boat!
  1. Buy a job vehicle and spawn it (not FREE)
    1. For beginners its the "Dinghy" ($10.500). To buy it, open the PDA with the HOME key and head to the Store.
    2. To spawn your boat, head to the Yacht Club near LSIA and open the PDA and request it from the Garage.
    3. Now you can drive anywhere less than 15m deep for the first rod.
  • To check the depth head to Job Information - Get Current Depth

Getting Started with DeepSea Fishing

(coming soon)

F5 Menu Options

Fishing with a Rod

Fishing with a Rod [F5 -> Jobs - Job Information]
Use Fishing Rod Opens the mini game
Sell Fish Sell fish amount
Check Fish Sales Shows current fish being bought from the Buyer
Get Current Depths Shows your current Depth
Upgade Fishing Rod Upgrades the fishing rod to gain higher tier fish
Boat Anchor Anchors your boat in place
Attach/Unattach Trailer to car Attaches the car with to boat trailer
Attach/Unattach Boat to Trailer Attaches the boat to the trailer
Leave Job Leaves the job
Deep Sea Fishing [F5 -> Forage]
Name Description
Update Forage Information Updates the informations such as leve, durability, prices
Deep Sea Fishing Options Opens the DeepSea Fishing Options
Fishing Net Level:[x] Level for your Fishing Net
Fishing Net Durability: x Shows durability left on your Fishing Net
Deep Sea Fishing [F5->Forage->DeepSea Fishing Options]
Name Description
DeepSea Fish Sell Value Shows the current Price for Deep Sea fish
Chopped Up Fish Value Shows the current price for Chopped Up Fiosh Value
Fishing Nets Upgrade Price Shows the price to upgrade the fishing Net
Upgrades Fishing Nets Allows you to upgrade the fishing nets if requirements are met
Repair Fishing Nets for $50,000 Allows you to repair the fishing net when net durability to low
Raise/Lower Nets Allows you to depoy (lower) to collect deep Sea fish, Raise nets to stop
Butcher Fish Chops Up Fish (1 Fish = 2)