Player Business

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Revision as of 17:57, 20 January 2022 by LeTibo (talk | contribs)

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General Information

What are Businesses?

  • Businesses can be used to make money, either by working for them or owning them.
    • You can deliver cargo to other players businesses in the trucking job but you can also buy a business, manage it, and have other players deliver freight/fuel/cars for your business and make money from the CEO Profits.

Business Breakdown Page

Working for a Business


Check for avaliable orders

  • Before you can work for a business, you need to check if any business even offers orders you can complete.
  1. To do that, head to F5 - Company Information - View Public Business Marketplace and check if there is any businesses listed.
  2. They will display the Business ID, the PPL (PayPerLoad) and the amount of loads they request.
  3. Once you chose which business you want to work for, remember its ID, you will need it to get a GPS Marker aswell as to sign up to work.

How to do it?

  1. Go on duty as trucker and load up your cargo (freight/fuel/vehicles)
  2. Next, head to the business you want to work for and enter or stand near the business building.
  3. Now, press F5 - Company Information - View Public Business Marketplace press enter on "Select a business to work for". Delete the "Enter ID" text and enter the ID of the business you want to work for.
  4. You're all set! Now you can simply continue doing the freight/fuel/vehicle dropoffs that you loaded up earlier as usual, but now you will get a bonus amount of money that the business owner set with every drop off, until the order of that business is completed.

How to cancel an order?

  • If you selected an order and you don't want to continue it, head to Company Information - View Public Business Market Place and then "Select a business to work for" and enter the ID 0.


You need to at least own:

  • Fuel Tanker Trailer
  • a Freight Trailer (best Reefer Trailer and above)

F5 Menu Options


  • There are multiple types of businesses; All Businesses except the following (Freight Trailer only), Fuel Stations (Fuel Trailer only), Car Dealerships (Vehicle Trailer only)
  • You can use the "Set Waypoint to Business" option in F5 - Company Information to get a GPS Marker to the Business you chose. Remember to put in the right ID!

Owning a Business


How to buy a Business

How to manage a Business


You need to at least own:

  • Business License (10MIL in the Store)

F5 Menu Options